VRTRIX™Extinguisher Simulator

Extinguisher Simulator

VRTRIX™Extinguisher Simulator

Extinguisher Simulator

This product is developed for safety training and education center. Simulate real fire scenarios with virtual reality to help broaden student knowledge on the recognition, prevention of fire and the correct operation of extinguisher.

  • 01Real Haptic Feedback

    VRTRIX™Extinguisher Simulator has the exact same shape and function as real extinguisher, which allows students have a better understanding of what actions to take if fire breaks out.

  • 02Driving Engagement

    Engagement is the key to excellent teaching and truly deep learning. Virtual and Augmented Reality are a fantastic example of technologies with untold possibility to inspire and engage your students. Come with assessment tools and lesson planning, our system helps to improve the learning engagement and efficiency.

  • 03Practical for Public Safety Education Center

    Virtual Reality allows to replicate/simulate any possible fire situation without extra cost. Thus it allows us to create immersive solutions that save you money and benefitsstudents/residents.

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